Description: Slow viscous flows with interfaces are seen in many different industrial and natural processes including optical fibre and window glass fabrication, chemical etching, lava flows, landslides, underground salt plumes, the tear film on the eye, solidification, and more. Mathematical modelling can identify and quantify important industrial control parameters, enable solution of difficult inverse problems, […]

Description: Integrable systems have long been used to study the global properties of surfaces arising from variational problems. More recently, integrable discretisations of the smooth theory have been developed and the cross-fertilisation of ideas between the smooth and discrete theories has been extremely fruitful for both. Originally the smooth theory provided motivation for the discrete […]

The AMSI-MATRIX Winter School is an annual two-week event tailored for postgraduate students, early-career researchers, and industry professionals in the mathematical sciences and related fields. Centered around a specific theme, this Winter School offers a comprehensive introduction to contemporary research through the insights of national and international experts, showcasing open problems and cutting-edge techniques. To […]