This workshop focusses on the mathematics and physics of integrability in classical and quantum physical systems in 1 and 2 dimensions. Following on from our 2017 AMSI-AustMS-MATRIX@Melbourne Workshop (, this workshop is organised around currently active hot topics and open problems with 50% of the program reserved for group collaboration. The overarching motivation is to […]

Dependent data is widely observed across many different scientific disciplines, such as finance, agriculture, astronomy, hydrology and climatology, ecology and geology. They are also frequently used in health science and socio-economic disciplines. The recent development of powerful data gathering technology has brought larger and more complex datasets, which calls for new statistical tools developments. The […]

Atherosclerosis is a chronic disease characterised by the growth of fatty plaques in the major arteries. These plaques can cause heart attack and strokes. Atherosclerosis is one of the major causes of death in the developed world, and yet mathematical modelling of atherosclerosis is still in its infancy. By contrast, mathematical modelling of cancer, another […]

The workshop is a part of the Special Year in Harmonic Analysis at the Mathematical Sciences Institute, Australian National University. Its goal is to bring together experts from all over the world to Canberra and discuss latest developments in harmonic analysis and related topics. This workshop will bring together global experts in harmonic analysis for a meeting in […]

The discovery of the relevance of Calabi-Yau manifolds to string compactifications, and later its associated mirror symmetry are two examples of discoveries in string theory that led to small revolutions in pure mathematics. The lesson learned over several decades appears to be: the drive for realistic theories of quantum gravity has generated remarkable and novel […]

This one-week intensive research program aims to bring together experts in algebraic topology, topological data analysis and mathematical biology with an aim to build bridges and collaboration between these research groups. Key speakers and other participants will come from diverse research backgrounds from pure mathematics to bioinformatics. There is extensive evidence that partnerships between these […]

A conference honouring the mathematical legacy of Craig Hodgson Geometry and topology in low dimensions are areas of strength in Australia. This workshop will bring together international and national experts and emerging researchers to share ideas and discuss new developments. A focus is around the mathematics of Craig Hodgson, which has been highly influential internationally. […]

Locally compact groups play a central role in mathematics as they naturally appear in various fields, capturing the symmetry of mathematical objects. The study of locally compact groups naturally splits into two cases: the connected case and the totally disconnected case. The structure of connected locally compact groups has been determined: by classical results of […]

This Sydney Workshop on Mathematics of Data Science aims to highlight leading-edge research in machine learning and data science, with a particular emphasis on addressing the mathematical, statistical, and computational challenges encountered in these fields,including machine learning, deep learning, and the most recent large AI models. Scheduled to take place at the School of Mathematics […]

Description: Many algorithms in mathematical optimisation work on the principle of breaking a complex problem into smaller, computationally tractable pieces and then exploiting the relative simplicity of these smaller pieces as part of an iterative process. For algorithms that use first-order (i.e. gradient) information, operator splitting provides the unifying mathematical framework. In recent times, there […]