Are the formulas and theories devised by mathematicians a construct of humanity, or do they exist on their own? ABC Radio National’s Patricia Karvelas discusses this fundamental question [...]
The University of Newcastle’s Max Carter is a 2018-19 AMSI Vacation Research Scholar and 2020 Summer School participant. Together with George Willis and Stephan Tournier, Carter defines [...]
Seeking missing aircraft, and using maths to narrow the search: how DST is using particle filters to solve non-linear problems. Read more at the DST website.
The latest PISA results unmasked a decade of declining mathematics performance among Australian 15-year-olds over a 10-year period, and educators have been rightly concerned. Read more about [...]
A $1.25 million gift has enabled The University of Wollongong to establish Australia’s first philanthropically funded chair in mathematics for more than a century. This visionary donation [...]
Most Australians want fair outcomes across generations. The Australian Actuaries Intergenerational Equity Index (AAIEI) contributes to this discussion by tracking and assessing 24 indicators [...]
Commentary and terminology clarified by UniSA Professor of Biostatistics, Adrian Esterman in ‘The Conversation’. Security guards at Melbourne’s quarantine hotels have been widely [...]
From Dr Adelle Howse; Chair of the AMSI Board I am delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Asha Rao as Interim Director commencing 18 August 2020. Asha is well known to many of the [...]