Professor Robyn Owens
Educated at the University of Western Australia and at Oxford, Professor Robyn Owens’ academic focus and research interests span computer vision, robotics, discrete structures, and scientific communication. She has supervised over 20 PhD students, developed new subject areas and degree courses, and been involved in multiple curriculum reviews. An AMSI board member and well known as a former Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at UWA, Professor Owens is currently also a board member of the Australian Astronomical Observatory.
“I am truly delighted and honoured to have been elected to the Australian Academy of Sciences and consider it a great privilege to be able to continue working for, and promoting, Australian science”, said Professor Owens. “Mathematics is the language of science and science, though the discovery of knowledge that can be repeatably demonstrated, has the power to literally make the world a better place.”
“We are delighted to have two mathematicians and a statistician elected as Academy Fellows”, added AMSI Director, Professor Tim Brown. “This very public recognition of an outstanding contribution to the advancement of the mathematical sciences by Robyn Owens is warmly welcomed and shared across our AMSI academic and research community, as is the Academy’s acknowledgement of the place of Aurore Delaigle and Gary Froyland amongst Australia’s top scientists.”