While during the past decade typically around 71-73% of Year 12 students were enrolled in one or more mathematics subjects, things took a turn for the worse in 2020, with a sudden drop in maths [...]
The number of students completing Year 12 has been steadily increasing in Australia. During the last ten years it has grown by approximately 15% and in 2017 it reached its highest ever with over [...]
The CHOOSEMATHS program was monitored by several surveys throughout the course of the project. These included a Student Survey conducted before and after each CHOOSEMATHS research lesson or [...]
This paper examines how the shortfall in the supply of Mathematics teachers in Secondary schools arose. If Australian students are to have the great teachers they deserve, what can Australia do [...]
The following report adds to the data previously collected by Frank Barrington, detailing the Year 12 enrollment figures in mathematical studies in Australia. The data includes the participation [...]
This Inquiry will report on the status of the teaching profession, considering opportunities to improve outcomes in a range of areas including increasing the attractiveness of teaching careers [...]
Out-of-field teaching in mathematics is a deep and difficult problem in Australian secondary schools. It is estimated that between 21 percent and 38 percent of Year 7-10 maths classes are taught [...]