This submission in collaboration with the Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS) and the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) sets out observations and recommendations for the ERA and EI [...]
The Research Report illustrates the cross-discipline and industry impact of the mathematical sciences, this report documents the success and impact of AMSI’s Research and Higher Education [...]
This Review reports on the classifications used for measurement and analysis of research and development in Australia and New Zealand. AMSI’s submission to the ARC covers the classification of [...]
This Review reports on the current application of national priorities for science and research in the National Competitive Grants Program. AMSI’s submission to the ARC into the National [...]
This paper examines how the shortfall in the supply of Mathematics teachers in Secondary schools arose. If Australian students are to have the great teachers they deserve, what can Australia do [...]
We have investigated which sectors within the Australian workforce employ PhD holders, and what the career ambitions of current PhD students are. Our focus is on PhD graduates already working, or [...]
Maths anxiety, which starts in early primary school, has been shown to be an impediment to achievement, and female primary teachers with maths anxiety are likely ‘causes’ affecting behaviour and [...]
Maths anxiety, which starts in early primary school, has been shown to be an impediment to achievement, and female primary teachers with maths anxiety are likely ‘causes’ affecting behaviour and [...]
Out-of-field teaching in mathematics is a deep and difficult problem in Australian secondary schools. It is estimated that between 21 percent and 38 percent of Year 7-10 maths classes are taught [...]