This symposium is intended to provide a networking opportunity for postgraduate students in combinatorics and discrete mathematics from the Australasian region. The program will consist of presentations from participants in combinatorics as well as a chance to collaborate with other graduate students. Undergraduate/honours students considering postgraduate study and graduates from abroad are also encouraged to participate.
We will have tutorials to introduce our participants to tools from Matroid Theory and Sparse Ramsey Theory.
If you are interested in presenting a 15-minute talk at the symposium concerning either your research in combinatorics or an interesting open problem from the field, you can let us know when you fill out your registration.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the organisers at
This symposium is supported by MATRIX and AMSI.
To support post-symposium research collaboration between PhD student participants, MATRIX-AMSI are providing funding through the MATRIX-AMSI PhD Student Research Collaboration Scheme.