This november an international line up of experts in the mathematical sciences will converge in Canberra for the inaugural Maths Fest Australia. Researchers and students from around the globe [...]
There are significant retention problems at various stages in the study and research training pipeline in mathematics and statistics. These problems choke the supply of mathematically competent [...]
For Dr Sophie Bestley, a PhD in Quantitative Marine Science (QMS) on the migrations and feeding patterns of Southern Bluefin Tuna has led to highly sought – after jobs in Canada and France. [...]
Coral reef ecosystem models developed by recent graduate of the CSIRO-UTAS PhD Program in Quantitative Marine Science (QMS), Dr Jessica Melbourne Thomas, have been used in research and management [...]
The simulations are a key tool for looking at the state of marine systems now, in the past, and how they may look into the future with climate change and human use. Dr Beth Fulton, University of [...]
French scientist, Dr Martin Marzloff, who did his PhD in Tasmania, says maths is essential for understanding the dynamics of Tasmania’s temperate reef ecosystems, and fending off attack by an [...]
Many of Australia’s Commonwealth Marine Protected Areas are safe thanks to statistical methods developed by University of Tasmania (UTAS) PhD graduate Dr Piers Dunstan and his colleagues from the [...]
From a PhD that used maths to join-the-dots between large-scale wind and ocean circulation patterns, and changes in the East Australian Current and its ecosystems, Dr Katy Hill is now working for [...]
A PhD on interactions between Antarctic glacial-ice, the oceans and climate has led Dr Ben Galton-Fenzi to a career as a glaciologist. Working at the Australian Antarctic Division and the [...]