This edition features commentary on the ISA 2030 report which provided a blueprint to protect future prosperity. Guest author Professor Peter Taylor talks about the research process. Also [...]
AMSI Optimise, the Institute’s newest flagship networking and research training event, was launched in 2017 to strengthen mathematical optimisation research collaboration and its applications [...]
The Discipline Profile of the Mathematical Sciences 2017 provides a detailed snapshot of the state of the discipline and its impact from the classroom and higher education to research [...]
Final results of the 2015 AMSI Survey into the current state of mathematics in higher education and research. This annual survey collects data on academic staffing, teaching, student numbers and [...]
The Discipline Profile of the Mathematical Sciences 2016 provides a detailed snapshot of the state of the discipline and its impact from the classroom and higher education to research [...]
The combined response from the Australian Mathematical Society, the ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematical and Statistical Frontiers and the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute to the [...]
In this special issue of The Update we explore research in the mathematical sciences, in particular how it is supported at major institutes around the world and what our plans are here at [...]
This november an international line up of experts in the mathematical sciences will converge in Canberra for the inaugural Maths Fest Australia. Researchers and students from around the globe [...]