Elevate Mathematical Sciences in Australia


The Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) has a dedicated community achieving philanthropic impact by supporting initiatives to improve Australia’s mathematical sciences pipeline.

Mathematics plays an increasingly critical role influencing global advancement and Australia is an important member of the global community. Maths is a necessary foundation to economic and social wellbeing and it’s our responsibility to sustain and promote mathematics as a fundamental ability to be held by, and benefit all, Australians.

Our philanthropy stories illustrate the broad scope and importance of the programs AMSI delivers to secure the Australian mathematical pipeline.

Integral to AMSI’s commitment is the participation of under-represented groups – females, First Nations, regional, rural, remote and those from low socio-economic backgrounds.

Find out more about the activities you can support here:

  1. AMSI Foundation
  2. AMSI Yuille-Umbers Secondary School Scholarships
  3. Maryam Mirzakhani Award

To find out more about how you can make a lasting impact, contact us for a confidential discussion by emailing exec@amsi.org.au

The AMSI Foundation recognises and appreciates all philanthropic donations received and kindly thanks each of its supporters for their continuous contribution toward the advancement of Australia’s mathematical sciences.