MAV are excited to run the 60th Annual Conference (MAV23) from Thursday 30 November – Friday 1 December 2023

The theme for MAV23 Annual Conference is ‘Aiming High – Continual improvement in mathematics education’, to ensure continual improvement in mathematics education, we need to aim high!

All students have the right to leave school with a high level of numeracy, and the mathematics skills, knowledge, and positive dispositions to support them in further study, and their professional and civic lives.

Many factors need to come together for success, and we recognise that teaching and learning is complex arrangement of priorities and factors that must be effectively implemented to bring about improvement. Teachers and leaders must consider the evidence of what constitutes quality numeracy and mathematics teaching, learning, and assessment. They must implement, test, and refine proven approaches, and ensure that student needs are met within their unique school context.

We are committed to focusing on teaching the student and understand that numeracy and mathematics teaching is proficiency-rich, helping develop independent users of mathematics. Formative assessment must be part of the approach, to be responsive to each student’s needs as they progress. All students deserve to experience productive challenge, high quality learning experiences, and true engagement and enjoyment in mathematics.

Join us at MAV23 to explore how we raise the bar and improve our approaches to lead improvement in student, school, and system outcomes. 

MAV23 synopsis will be available 1st August 2023


Cost: (from 1 July 2023)

One Day Member Cost: $299.00
One Day Non Member Cost: $358.00
One Day Pre-service Teacher/Student Member Cost: $164.00

Two Day Member Cost: $578.00
Two Day Non Member Cost: $695.00
Two Day Pre-service Teacher/Student Member Cost: $318.00

To receive a discount as a regional MAV member (DE classification – north western victoria, north eastern victoria, south eastern victoria and south western victoria) please contact the MAV office on (03) 9380 2399 before registering below.  

One Day Regional Member Cost: $249.00
Two Day Regional Member Cost: $478.00

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