In it’s 60th year, the Australian Mathematical Society (AustMS) meeting is the largest annual event for the mathematical sciences held in Australia. This conference will bring together Australian and international mathematicians with interests in a diverse range of topics and high-level networking opportunities.

Miranda Cheng, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Alessio Figalli, ETH Zurich, Switzeralnd
Kavita Ramanan, Brown University, USA
Simon Levin, Princeton University, USA
André Arroja Neves, Imperial College London, UK
Tomoyuki Arakawa, Kyoto University, Japan
Adelle Coster, University of New South Wales, Australia
Georg Gottwald, The University of Sydney, Australia
Kari Vilonen, Northwestern University, USA (tbc)
Lesley Ward, University of South Australia, Australia
Nicholas Wormald, Monash University, Australia

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