Undergraduate Students with Worked Example Videos and Personalised Emails

Tuesday 26 September 2023, 1:00pm (AEST, GMT+10)

Speaker: Sarah Dart, Queensland University of Technology

Abstract: Dr Sarah Dart is a Senior Lecturer at the Queensland University of Technology, where she works across the central Learning and Teaching Unit as well as the Faculty of Engineering. In 2021, Sarah was recognised with the Australian Mathematical Society’s 2021 Early Career Teaching Excellence Award. In the seminar, Sarah will share how she has used technology to support learning of mathematics for large and diverse student cohorts, including development of worked example videos to improve problem-solving skills, and implementation of personalised emails to foster an effective learning environment when transitioning to university.

Location: Online via Zoom https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/88230177892?pwd=eUdlUDROcmpsMUcyV1psUWZNNW0yQT09     Passcode: 642594

Seminar recording: will be available from the seminar website afterwards: https://austms.org.au/mathematics-education/teaching-seminar-series/

The AustMS/AMSI Teaching Seminar Series is a nation-wide seminar series featuring talks and discussions about any matters related to the teaching of the mathematical sciences in universities.  The seminars are held online using Zoom videoconferencing software, allowing broad access by Australian academics. The seminars aim to engender discussion and foster best practice in mathematics and statistics education at Australian universities.

For more information, contact the organisers:

A/Prof Rowena Ball (rowena.ball@anu.edu.au)
Dr Anthony Morphett (a.morphett@unimelb.edu.au)


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