T’is the season to be social and thanks to a growing list of apps, platforms and sites, this has never been easier. From Facebook and twitter to Pinterest and Instragram, we share more of [...]
The Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) welcomes Boeing Australia’s commitment to a third year of funding to expand its online teacher-training resources in 2016. AMSI [...]
The Australian, December 8 2015. Article by National Affairs Editor, Syd Maher. AMSI Director, Professor Geoff Prince joined Australian STEM leaders in providing analysis of the National [...]
Sydney Morning Herald, Tuesday 15 December 2015. It is imperative Australia tackles STEM and innovation from every angle as we embrace the ‘ideas boom’. Writing in the Sydney Morning [...]
The Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) welcomes the Federal Government’s $1 billion National Innovation and Science Agenda as a critical boost to Australian research and [...]
Australian universities are performing above world standards in the mathematical sciences according to the ARC’s State of Australia’s University Research 2015 – 2016 released today. “Nearly all [...]
With an ageing population and obesity crisis, Type 2 diabetes costs Australian taxpayers over $1.7 billion per year. Hoping to save lives and dollars, Australian researchers believe they have [...]
With the clock ticking on Australia’s STEM skills, Australian Chief Scientist, Professor Ian Chubb has warned that without university mathematics prerequisites the nation risks failing the test [...]
Adelaide Advertiser, Sunday 1 November 2015. Did you pick the winner? As Australia prepared to pause for the 2015 Melbourne Cup, NewCorp’s Anthony Keane caught up with AMSI’s Professor Inge Koch [...]
ABC Radio Queensland, Wednesday, 21 October 2015. The release of AMSI’s latest report card for Year 12 mathematics participation has revealed a grim picture for Australian research and [...]