In Media releases

Professor Christian P. Robert, Université Paris-Dauphine, talks about computer simulation in statistics at a public lecture on 26 July

When: Thursday 26 July, 6:15pm

Where: Charles Pearson Theatre, University of Melbourne, Parkville VIC

What: Keen to share his love for statistics, Professor Christian Robert will show a public audience how computer simulation is used in statistics. Packed with applications ranging from Sudoku puzzles to ancestral trees of Pygmy tribes, this public lecture is an excellent, accessible introduction to some fascinating problems in computational statistics. This event is suitable for those without any technical background.

Who: Professor Robert has a career in statistics spanning over two decades, and is currently touring Australia as the 2012 AMSI/SSAI Lecturer. He is an excellent science communicator and particularly enjoys spreading his love for statistics through his blog, available at

Professor Robert’s areas of expertise include Bayesian analysis, with a focus on decision theory and model selection, and computational statistics.

Background: Each year the Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) sponsors a distinguished international mathematical scientist to take part in a lecture tour. The 2012 AMSI Lecturer – hosted in conjunction with Statistical Society of Australia Inc – is Professor Christian P. Robert from Université Paris-Dauphine. Professor Robert is touring around Australia until 22 August, delivering lectures to both general and specialist audiences.

Media Enquiries: Opportunities for interviews with Professor Robert are available. Please contact Emma Bland on 0425 826 403 to arrange.

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