Jason Lu
AMSI Summer Research Scholarship 2023/24
What is your role in the Mathematical Sciences?
I’m a recent graduate, and a soon-to-be postgrad student in economics. I’ve just finished my honours in applied maths at UWA.
As an AMSI Summer Research scholar, your project focused on complex and dynamical systems, and particularly the modelling of complex networks. How did participating in AMSI programs support your career trajectory?
AMSI Summer Research Scholarship (SRS) gave me my first opportunity to work on novel research in the mathematical sciences. My current plan is to pursue a career in academia, and the challenging, educational and enjoyable experience I had over the summer has played a big part in informing this decision. I feel like I came out of my project with a good sense for what the research process looks like in the real world. Very practically, I had the opportunity to produce a publication out of this work, which I think has provided a big boost to my academic resume.
You are planning to study economics at the University of Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar exploring how economics, policy and mathematics research intersect. Could you enlighten us to what motivated you to explore this intersection further?
My interest really lies in the application of maths to address real-world challenges, and I see climate change as our most pressing challenge in Australia and globally. Economics is an interest area for me because it attempts to explain how we allocate resources and make decisions, and therefore economic policy is a powerful tool in addressing the climate challenge. Mathematically, economics is a field where complex systems science – my area of interest – can offer powerful insights and is on the rise.
What do you hope for the future of mathematics in Australia and globally?
Of course I’m biased as a mathematician, but I’d love to see more students studying maths, and more opportunities for mathematicians to work cross-disciplinarily. During my studies I’ve seen the potential for mathematical insights to offer benefits in other fields, and I think the more of this we can leverage, the better.
Can you provide any advice for students who are interested in pursuing mathematical sciences study abroad?
I don’t start until September – maybe I could give you a better answer in a year’s time! Of course everyone takes a unique path, so my experience won’t necessarily translate. The only piece of advice I’d feel comfortable giving out is that if you’re interested, there are many pathways. I’ve been fortunate to receive a scholarship, and while competitive, there are many out there. No one applies thinking they’re a lock, and you have to throw your hat in the ring.
What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?
Outside of work/study, I’m a keen athlete. I like to run, swim and cycle, and have my sights set on a few long-distance races in the near future.
This interview is part of our AMSI alumni Series. If you’re an AMSI alumni, we would love to hear what you have been up to! Tag us in your posts on LinkedIn and X @DiscoverAMSI so we can share your achievements. Please contact us if you would like to be featured in our monthly newsletter: media@amsi.org.au.