The Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) and The Australian Centre for Career Education (ACCE) proudly partnered with the support of the Toyota Community Trust, to host the 2024 Teacher Professional Learning in Industry day on Tuesday May 21, 2024.
The day connected secondary mathematics teachers and careers advisors with tertiary educators and industry. The purpose of this professional development opportunity is to provide teachers and careers advisors with information on the enormous and growing demand for mathematics and statistics in the workforce, the industry roles that require mathematical skills, and the appropriate study pathways for these exciting careers.
Mathematics teachers and careers advisors were provided with the resources to:
- Inspire students about the exciting career opportunities available to them when they continue to study mathematical sciences and broader STEM.
- Demonstrate the link between student’s mathematics learning and careers.
- Provide advice on subject choices needed to achieve those careers.
- Help increase participation rates in mathematics and guide students toward careers in high demand.
When and where:
The Teacher Professional Learning in Industry day was held in Melbourne on Tuesday 21 May 2024, starting at the University of Melbourne Parkville Campus in the morning and Aurecon and Champion Data in the afternoon. Maths teachers and careers advisors from schools across Victoria were invited to attend.
As AMSI received overwhelmingly positive feedback from both maths and careers teachers who participated in the successful pilot project, we are excited to explore opportunities for expanding the program in 2025, and beyond. Our goal is to extend the program’s reach, and to deliver it to new jurisdictions including regional areas across Victoria. To achieve this, we are actively seeking a funding partnership that will facilitate scaling the program and bring benefits to even more educators, students and industry. With the right support, we can broaden the impact of this initiative and help more students discover the broad scope of STEM career opportunities that a mathematics gateway has to offer.
Other resources:
To increase the reach of the information and resources developed for the day, the following resources are available online:
- A video of the information sessions will be created to ensure access to the material for teachers and career advisors in other states and across regional and rural Australia.
- Career resources and lesson plans are available to participants and online, to enable teachers and careers advisors to link careers in the mathematical sciences to curriculum content for students.
Please contact margo.brown@amsi.org.au for further information.
With gratitude to our Industry Partners