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The Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute (AMSI) congratulates members of the mathematical sciences community who have been named in Science & Technology Australia (STA)’s 2023-24 Superstars of STEM program.

Dr Camelia Walker, Dr Anurika De Silva and Dr Dhani Dharmaprani are among 60 brilliant scientists, technologists, engineers and mathematicians who have been recognised for this acclaimed national program.

The new Superstars of STEM were announced today by the Minister for Industry and Science, Ed Husic MP. They reflect the strong diversity of women and non-binary people in Australian science and technology, including three First Nations superstar scientists and six new Superstars from regional Australia.

Dr Camelia Walker

Mathematical Epidemiologist, The University of Melbourne

Dr Camelia Walker’s mathematical modelling has been instrumental in understanding the impact of COVID-19 on hospitals in Australia, and the role of vaccination in mitigating severe disease in remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. Camelia’s research develops mathematical and statistical tools to combat infectious diseases, including COVID-19, malaria and influenza. They hold a PhD on statistical methods for early epidemic outbreaks (2019). In early 2020, they became a member of the Doherty-led COVID-19 modelling consortium and in 2021 they began a postdoctoral research fellowship at the University of Melbourne.

Dr Anurika De Silva

Clinical Biostatistician, The University of Melbourne

Dr Anurika De Silva completed her PhD in Biostatistics at the University of Melbourne in 2019, funded by a Victorian International Research Scholarship, examining statistical methods for missing data. In her current position, Anurika collaborates with researchers on the design, analysis and reporting of clinical studies, in diverse areas including anaesthesia, cancer, and pain. Her focus is to apply optimal statistical methods in clinical research while advancing the discipline of biostatistics, to generate robust evidence that will have high quality impact and change the society for better. Always passionate about teaching and much loved by her students, Anurika supervises PhD and Masters students and is the coordinator for the Master of Public Health course on Biostatistics.

Dr Dhani Dharmaprani

Biomedical Engineer, Flinders University

Dr Dhani Dharmaprani uses maths and numbers to help model and understand the behaviour of spirals in the heart, which occur during a condition known as cardiac fibrillation. This work has led to Dhani becoming a winner/finalist for six international and national early-career awards, and three major research grants in the last two years for approximately $2 million, currently being used to develop state-of-the-art therapies for patients suffering from cardiac fibrillation.

AMSI warmly congratulates all the inspiring new Superstars of STEM.

See the complete list here.

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