Division with decimals

Illustrating division

The aim is to form a new equivalent division with the divisor a whole number.

If the divisor is 0.3 multiply divisor and dividend by 10.
If the divisor is 0.03 multiply divisor and dividend by 100.
If the divisor is 0.003 multiply divisor and dividend by 1000.

Question 2

0.6 ÷ 0.03


\(0.6 ÷ 0.03\) \(= 0.60 ÷ 0.03\)  
\(= 60 ÷ 3\) (Multiply the dividend and the divisor by 100)
\(= 20.\)

There are 100 small squares formed in the unit square. Each small square represents
0.01 = \(\dfrac{1}{100}\).
0.6 =\(\dfrac{6}{10}\) = \(\dfrac{60}{100}\) is shaded blue. There are 60 small squares shaded blue.

Diagram shows unit square divided into one hundred squares of equal area.
Detailed description of diagram.

Each of the shaded rectangles in the diagram below represents 0.03. There are 20 lots of 0.03.

unit square divided into squares of area 0.01.
Detailed description of diagram.